Danger: Pictures Ahead
One of the items I purchased in Lexington at Magpie Yarns was Rowan's #35. I knew it was an older Rowan mag, but when I turned to the Roman Holiday section, I drooled and couldn't put it down. The garments I find myself gravitating toward are very classic, so that I can wear them for much longer than something trendy. I do that with my clothing purchases too (love me some Ann Taylor), and my favorite jeans and tshirts go a long way as well.
The tops I think I might have to knit once my yarn diet is over (ha, I'll probably just have to settle for drooling):
High Society:
I wish I was this good a dresser. Oh well, jeans and tshirts will have to do. I also wish I was that tiny, but I digress.
Audrey and Agnes are by Kim Hargreaves, so it's not surprising at all that I like them. I love her classy designs; the lines and fit both rock. One of my favorites this year from her is Blithe. Y.U.M.
I think it's a shame that she doesn't just sell the pattern, and only sells the kit. I have some denim in my stash that would totally rock for Blithe, so I have an issue with buying the whole darned kit. I'd rather pay $5 or even $10 for a pattern I would use than $50 or $60 for the kit with the yarn included. I'd rather make my own yarn choice, thanks. And p.s. those of us on a budget (ok, probably just me) can't afford an entire sweater's worth of Rowan.
On the dyeing front, yarn is coming up all kinds of fun colors! I interspersed writing my final papers and dyeing. Needless to say, I dyed more than I wrote. I also added some yarn info on the sidebar! Yay!
This is Tulips that I dyed for Liz over at KnittingHawkeye. I bet she makes some Project Spectrum socks...
Liz also asked for some Ohio State colors for her mom, so here is OSU! They gray is a bit darker, but I was glad for some sunlight today.
Madge ordered some fun colors, and she named this one Belinda/Vacation for Belinda Carlisle. Sweet, eh?
And Eri over at Pixie Punk Knits ordered up some truly funky yarn for a pair of elbow length armwarmers. They are so gonna rock. She named this one Headfirst for Halos, for her fav MCR song. Woo!
(Ladies, your yarn will go out to you Monday via Priority Mail!)
And this is what my dear sweetie did for me this weekend, even though he was sick, even though just walking around Lowe's wore him out.
My very own ghetto warping board.
Look out ya'll, I feel some mad stripes coming on...