Lipstick Stalking
Do y'all do this? I've found like 2 or 3 lipsticks that are great, perfect, wonderful, work-for-every-occasion colors for me, and now that I'm out of them, I can NOT find them again.
I hate going to WalMart or Kroger to look for lipsticks. I can't try them on, so I could buy 5 and it's possible that none of them look good. If I go to the cosmetics counter, I might get the right shade, but I've paid 4x as much and I've probably bought $80 worth of extra stuff. I'm a sucker for some cosmetic junk.
I just threw out 3 of my favorite lipsticks because I'd used them to within a millimeter of their lives. Two of them I bought the last time I was in LA (oh 5 years ago?) when I got to the hotel and realized I left my entire makeup bag at home. Smart. The other one is something I got in a freebie from Lancome. It's now discontinued, since that was probably 5 years ago too. Crap.
Guess I'm going to have to go make friends at the Bobbi Brown counter. I love her makeup. I don't wear foundation (too lazy) but their concealers and eye shadows rule. Maybe I should branch out a bit though. Any suggestions? Our mall is teeny, but we have Bobbi Brown, MAC, Lancome and Clinique counters. I could always drive to Atlanta too...mmmm Sephora.
Holy crap! My mom said she'd vote for Obama today. I think I left my jaw on the sidewalk when I was on the phone with her. The end times are surely near! My mom has always voted republican. Always. Even when it doesn't benefit her and even when she doesn't believe in it. Bizarre, I know. But the words out of her mouth were, "I will vote for Obama before I will vote for McCain...he's too scary." (Imagine my eyes popping out of their sockets here.) We talked for a good thirty minutes after that, and I believe her. I'm still in shock though.
Here's the progress on my Aleita Shell. I'm really loving the Silky Wool, and I hope this thing is going to rock when I'm done. I've made some adjustments since my gauge is so different from the pattern. I've done the pattern decreases, but I've added two more sets at 5 inches into the shell for the waist. I'll do the increases for the bust at 8-8.5 inches and then start the bust detail.See all that work? I have JUST added the second ball of yarn in this picture. Silky Wool goes a long way. The texture is so nice too. I think it will be light enough to wear through May or June with a cute little cami underneath.
A bit of a close up. Some of my stitches are kind of wonky, but it's a combination of me, my tension, and the yarn. It all blocks out though. Ask my swatch.
Have a great Tuesday everyone!