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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Round and Round

Picovoli and I are no longer friends.

But that's not her fault. The blame lies solely with this knitter.

(So I tell myself, because yarn can not be blamed. It's inanimate. Most of the time.)

We came to blows yesterday over her length. I knit through the pattern, got to the picos at the bottom edge and figured I should probably try it on and make sure it's long enough. Not exactly. In fact, it barely came past ye olde belly button, and it rolls because it needs the finishing touches, so,, not long enough.

So I decided that I was smart and crafty enough to figure out how to insert my needle a few rows back, rip out the picos and just keep knitting. I consulted the instructions in my handy Knitting Answer Book, and proceeded to be super crafty and smart.

Picovoli, it seems, would have me know that I'm no where near as smart as I fancy myself, and thus set out to prove that I am in fact an idiot and I could not count rows if my life (and that of said Picovoli, who almost got her ass frogged, ie. killed, eradicated, assassinated, executed, bumped off, forced to swim with fishies, ripped into a million pieces and stomped on repeatedly, disassemble number 5'ed, etc.) depended on it.

To put it simply, there was much cursing, flinging of yarn, dropping of stitches and the requisite wailing and gnashing of teeth. Which is really not good for your teeth, by the way.

After about an hour, I did prove victorious, though I have a feeling this is not the end of my love/hate relationship with the Picovoli. Don't get me wrong, I don't HATE the thing. I'm just ready for something new and I have some finishing issues.

I'm going to knit about 2 more inches to the length today and then do the finishing at the bottom and the arms this week. She seems a bit on the small side to me, but it is cotton, so maybe there's a stretch effect after wearing for a while.

On the positive side, the negative ease on the bust is just right with the *appropriate* undergarments on. I made the 32" and I'm a 36". Four inches of ease sure seemed like a lot, but it works out well.

And this is not where I work.

Can you tell I'm bored today? Jeez.

And this is not my new knitting bag from Lantern Moon.

It appears I have a bag fetish folks.