Several wonderful things came to fruition today. (And they've all worn me out. It's 10 p.m. and I'm exhausted!)
Thing 1: I got my business license today, so I'm legal! And I get to pay taxes, woo! Most importantly though I can order yarn wholesale, so bring on the Louet baby. That's right, Louet. Y.U.M.
Thing 2: I got my very first wholesale order, quickly followed by the second (one is online, one is a real live store)! Needless to say I have some work ahead of me in the coming weeks. I'll post pics when I have some.
Thing 3: The Harlot is coming to Atlanta!!!!!!! Finally! The trip to Lexington was worth it! The knitting goddess (aka Jayme, the wonder publicist) has delivered!
She'll be here September 19th. Let's plan a trip!
***Also, some of you might have noticed that I've been kinda sucky at leaving comments and responding to yours. Sorry! But now you know why :)***