final post (for a while)
To say I'm a little overwhelmed right now would be a terrible understatement. I'm not going to have time to say much for a while, unless something drastic happens, so here's the condensed version of what's up. I'll be checking back in a few weeks maybe.
Work is kicking my ass, and the company isn't interested in paying me more, though weekly they add to my duties and now they want me to do the same amount of work at another site (thus literally quadrupling my work load since they took over). I'm officially the best at my job in my region, according to my regional manager. But even after I've met all the 'obligations' to earn more, they still won't pony up. Wonder if they'll miss me when I quit? If it weren't for my bills, it would be a done deal already.
School is fun and interesting, but it's about to get exponentially harder with papers and projects due in about three weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to get it all done with a minimum of stress. Ha.
I've almost met my exercise goal for this month. I'm up to 30 miles!! I had intended 33 miles, but tonight I went to a karate class instead. Have I ever mentioned how ridiculously cute I am in a Gi? Well I am. I'm also pretty quick on the uptake with the skillz. I got to fend off an attacker and I won! Well ok, they let me win. But in reality, I would have run and dropped my keys along the way. And probably had an asthma attack while inconveniently inhaler free.
Speaking of the asthma, for the month of February, I'm focusing on controlling my asthma through dietary means. I'm cutting out all sugar and sodas, and increasing my intake of omega 3 & 6 in an effort to control the inflammation that damn near kills me every day. At this point I've been able to eliminate my emergency inhaler, but only with a twice daily dosage of Advair. And thank the gods for that shit. Before I was using the Advair I was hitting my regular inhaler an average of 10 times a day. Recommended usage is twice a day, people. I should be dead. Now I can cycle for 45 minutes and not be gasping for air. And I can run in cold air. These things have never been possible before. It is truly amazing. But it's also artificial, and I want to be the one in control, not some drug.
And last but not least, my Central Park Hoodie is finished except for the button bands and collar. I'm not really a hoodie kind of girl, so I have to figure out some sort of collar fix for it. I'm thinking of just continuing the cable around the neck, instead of casting on for the hood, and adding some ribbing along with it.
Also, thank you old fart winter for killing my tulips. Much appreciated. Now go away and bring on the spring, cause I got stuff to plant.