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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Keeping up with The List

My 101 Things in 1001 Days list is feeling a bit daunting to me lately. I've set myself a LOT of long term goals, which would be out there anyway, but seeing them mocking me on the sidebar is a little disconcerting.

I've made some progress though and I'm really enjoying the process. Here's a bit of a run down:

Things I'm enjoying making progress on:
Reading - I'm a bit of a book nerd anyway, so this is a lot of fun. I have about 20 books going right now so I'll be able to finish this goal with no problem. Also, I've decided that once I'm finished with the last Harry Potter book (I'm 9/10ths of the way thru #7 for the 3rd time), there will be NO MORE reading them until I have kids old enough to give a shit. After book 6 I cursed Jo and swore 'never again' and I mean it. This time.

Trying something new every month - I'm really enjoying this. Even if it just means I buy weird shaped fruit at the grocery store. If it's new to me it counts.

Trying new recipes - We have sooooooo many cookbooks that this one is easy. Right now I'm kind of hooked on The Sneaky Chef. Reading cookbooks should totally count, but I'm not claiming them.

Things scaring me:
Everything to do with money - paying off credit cards, all the stuff I want to do for our house - it's all freaking me out right now cause my money will only go so far these days.

Things I need to find substitutes for:
Visit England - Again with the money. If the dollar weren't tanking so hard this might still be a possibility, but until further notice we're on the lookout for somewhere affordable to visit for our 5th anniversary next May. I'm thinking maybe a cruise to Mexico and Jamaica. A European cruise would ROCK, but I doubt it's in the budget. (p.s. there is no budget, which is probably why i have difficulty with that pesky credit card debt)

Things I have to start over:
Exercise and mediation. Boo. Weight loss and inches goals. Double boo. Part of this problem is that being on the treadmill can be sooo boring. I would drive somewhere to run but that doesn't seem efficient and I'm bored with my neighborhood or I'd just go outside. I think I need new podcasts. I really enjoy Pottercast (stfu), Lime & Violet and sometimes Stash and Burn. I really don't want any more knitting podcasts, but I can't think of anything else I'd want to listen to. If you have suggestions I'd LOVE to hear them!

I'm enjoying a DVD I bought and my running, but I definitely have a hard time doing it every single day. Though I've decided to train for a 10k next month so I guess I have to make it priority. Does a 10k count as two 5ks? I think it should.


This weekend is our knitting/beach trip so I marked it off The List. I have to buy a bikini today and then clean my house. I do not want to do either. Bah. I'll have fun pictures when we get back though!