Sock Summit Day 1
Hello from the Sock Summit!
Things here are awesome, exhausting, wonderful, scary, and just plain WILD!
This is Cheryl and Darilee helping to finish setting up at the verylastminute. Seriously.
This is the line of knitters waiting for the market to open as we're racing to finish:My mom took the one of all the knitters. I think she was a tad shocked.
Yesterday was super busy with lots of errand running, picking up boxes, setting up the booth, racing to IKEA for more stuff, and some how managing to fit in a visit to Queen Bee Creations where I found this gorgeous wallet. I've needed a new one for a while, and whoa, this was totally the one.
Since the market didn't start until 4:30 and today was my only day to do any site seeing, we drove up to Mt. Hood. Mom, Darilee, me, and Cheryl at 3000 or 4000 feet:We tasted wine, shopped at a farmers market, and ate an incredibly refreshing lunch at a cute little bistro in an adorable little town called Hood River. A lot like Athens, only hipper.
And finally, me and Liz of Mackintosh Yarns just after the Opening Reception. We might have had a beer. And lots of laughs and few tears. Steph and Tina are hilarious together and told us all the story of how the Sock Summit came to be. Someone videotaped it, so I'm sure that will be up soon.More pictures tomorrow! We're having a blast, but we're SO tired too!